Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the senior computer bug

More and more seniors are catching the computer bug` and taking the riskto go online. The baby boomers have grown up and become seniors looking to get out and explore the world of computers . The Internet and computers in general, have opened the doors to many ways of entertainment and excitement for these seniors. No longer are they resigned to playing shuffleboard or canasta with their friends for their entertainment. Now with the aid of computers and the Internet they can play these games and make more online connections with people from all over the world. While learning to use a computer is still one of the biggest challenges to many seniors, when they learn to use a computer, cannot believe that they were ever worried about it at all.

The Wonders Of Internet Space

ha.....what Joy of boundless cyberspace be able to enter the world of everything and nothing all at the same time.......the place where all the dimensions meet as the starting point for the infinite........why ,the countdown to ignition